Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Your Team

Check out this awesome table we put together of all the players (us) and contestants (Sean's girls). You have to click on the link and then again on the image to enlarge it (and yes, we do have jobs! this is done only in our free time :) 

X's stand for your team member and hearts for your pick of last woman standing.
                            Click here:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In case you're interested...

Just crunching some numbers...

This is a general look at how many girls are still scoring for our teams. Good picks, people! Most of us have 3 or more girls still scoring, and out of 11 that's not bad.

Here is a look at how many teams each remaining girl is on. This one surprised me...who knew Lindsay was so popular?

Week 4 Standings

Big week for Tierra (30 pts). That girl just cannot stop eating on camera- 15 points right there!

Also, big week for...the ABC intern! He finally got some camera time taking Amanda to the hospital.

Overall, despite the promos promising us a fierce roller derby match and a hysterical Tierra paying Sean a surprise visit, a pretty boring episode. Not much scoring action outside of Tierra and Catherine (17 pts), who we finally saw interact with Sean. There were NO cocktail party interruptions, so no one won this week's bonus!

Week 4 Standings

1.     Catherine- 245
2.     Jayne- 197
3.     Angela- 186
4.     Hannah- 180
5.     Sarah- 158
6.     Anna- 126
7.     Jane- 120
8.     Jessie- 117
9.     Daria- 113
10.   Courtney- 103
T11. Jen- 97
T11. Patty- 97
T11. Kelly- 97
14.   Katelyn- 85
15.   Kerri- 82
16.   Martha- 79
17.   Kimmie- 74
18.   Erica- 58
19.   Kate- 45
20.   Nicole- 35

We have been blessed with TWO episodes next week, so it will be super important to check back for next week's bonus picks.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pick your week 4 bonus pick

Select one woman below for your weekly bonus pick. Note that this person DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ON YOUR TEAM.

This week's bonus is to select the first woman to interrupt Sean's time with another woman at the cocktail party before the rose ceremony. Good luck!

Week 3 Scores

HUGE week this week. Here's the leaderboard:

Catherine 192
Jayne 147
Angela 144
Hannah 135
Sarah 105
Anna 101
Jane 95
Daria 93
Patty 90
Courtney 82
Jessie 79
Kimmie 73
Jen 72
Katelyn 66
Kelly 65
Martha 65
Kerrie 61
Erica 57
Kate 50
Nicole 28

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pick your week 3 bonus pick!

Click here to select one woman for your weekly bonus pick. Note that this person DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ON YOUR TEAM.

This week's bonus is to select the first person to cry in the episode. Good luck!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 2 Scores

We had some high scorers this week. Both Katie and Tierra actively ate (+15 points) and Lesley pulled in the weekly bonus by being the first woman to score some one-on-one time with Sean.

Here's a breakdown of how many points each woman accrued this week:

Tierra 26
Kristy 17
Sarah 17
Katie 10
Lesley 10
Desiree 8
AshLee F. 7
Robyn 7
Daniella 5
Amanda 2
Catherine 2
Jackie 2
Leslie 2
Lindsay 2
Selma 2
Taryn 2
Brooke -5
Diana -5

And here's the leader board after the second week:

Angela 68
Jayne 60
Hannah 59
Daria 55
Anna 53
Courtney 49
Jane 48
Kelly 42
Jen 38
Sarah 38
Catherine 34
Kerrie 34
Kate 30
Patty 27
Jessie 25
Erica 24
Martha 23
Kimmie 22
Katelyn 18
Nicole 18


Hi all,

Some of you have asked for a reminder of who you've picked for your team. I'm still working on finding a good way of representing everything, but wanted to make sure to get this up for tonight's episode!

League Member Team Last Woman Standing
Angela AshLee F., Catherine, Lesley, Lindsay, Selma Catherine
Anna Amanda, Catherine, Desiree, Kristy, Lindsay Catherine
Catherine AshLee F., Desiree, Lindsay, Sarah, Tierra Lindsay
Courtney Amanda, Catherine, Jackie, Katie, Lesley Lesley
Daria Ashley P., Desiree, Kelly, Lesley, Lindsay Lesley
Erica Amanda, Diana, Katie, Lauren, Lindsay Katie
Hannah Ashley P., Jackie, Lesley, Lindsay, Tierra Lesley
Jane Amanda, Ashley P., Catherine, Lesley, Lindsay Amanda
Jayne Desiree, Kristy, Lesley, Lindsay, Tierra Lindsay
Jen Catherine, Jackie, Kristy, Lindsay, Taryn Catherine
Jessie Catherine, Desiree, Lindsay, Selma, Taryn Desiree
Kate Amanda, Katie, Kristy, Lauren, Paige Lauren
Katelyn AshLee F., Daniella, Lacey, Lauren, Selma Selma
Kelly Catherine, Jackie, Lacey, Lesley, Lindsay Lindsay
Kerri Daniella, Diana, Kristy, Lindsay, Selma Desiree
Kimmie Amanda, Katie, Lauren, Lindsay, Paige Lindsay
Martha Diana, Lauren, Lindsay, Selma, Taryn Lindsay
Nicole Ashley P., Desiree, Diana, Katie, Lauren Ashley P.
Patty Amanda, AshLee F., Kelly, Keriann, Selma Kelly
Sarah Ashley P., Catherine, Kristy, Lindsay, Tierra Lindsay

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pick your week 2 bonus pick!

Click here to select one woman for your weekly bonus pick.  Note that this person DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ON YOUR TEAM.

This week's bonus is to select the first woman you think will get one-on-one time with Sean on a group date. Good luck!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Courtesy of today's Boston Metro

Just in case you didn't see enough of Sean during Monday's Season Premiere....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 1 Scores - Quick Summary

Hi all,

Well this is an embarrassing start to the season. In the rush of trying to get scores up quickly, I realized that I had scored two ladies as being eliminated (Diana and Brooke) who in fact received roses! It was obviously a bit of a confusing time because of Sean's non-traditional rose distribution.  I realized this error in reading the best recap ever (

My apologies! Here is the correct leader board:

Daria 35
Jane   32
Angela 27
Kelly 26
Hannah 25
Courtney  23
Jayne 23
Anna 22
Patty  18
Catherine 17
Sarah 17
Erica 15
Jen 15
Kerrie 15
Jessie 13
Kimmie 8
Katelyn 6
Martha 6
Nicole 5
Kate 1

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pick your team

The first episode is only a few days away! Click here to select your team for the season.

Also, as a reminder we will be meeting at Flash's tomorrow (310 Stuart St) for the preseason launch party, so stop by! This is also a good opportunity to drop off the $15 if you haven't had a chance to mail it yet. Hope to see everyone sometime tomorrow (anytime after 5:30).